Thursday, January 30, 2020

International Quality Certification Essay Example for Free

International Quality Certification Essay Quality certification or product qualification is the process of certifying that a certain product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or specifications (typically called certification schemes in the product certification industry). These standards provide a general framework to the assessing authority to assess a company’s Quality Management System. The term quality management has a specific meaning within many business sectors. This specific definition, which does not aim to assure good quality by the more general definition, but rather to ensure that an organization or product is consistent, can be considered to have four main components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. [1] Quality management is focused not only on product/service quality, but also the means to achieve it. Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) The International Organization for Standardization widely known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on February 23, 1947, the organization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards. It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO is a voluntary organization whose members are recognized authorities on standards, each one representing one country. ISOs main products are international standards. ISO also publishes technical reports, technical specifications, publicly available specifications, technical corrigenda, and guides. ISO has 162 national members, out of the 205total countries in the world. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. International Standards give state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more efficient and effective. Developed through global consensus, they help to break down barriers to international trade.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hydric Soils as a Part of Water Treatment in Wetland Systems Essay

Hydric Soils as a Part of Water Treatment in Wetland Systems Most basically, a hydric soil is defined as "A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (Kent, 1994, p. 26)." Included by this definition in the United States Department of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service's list Hydric Soils of the United States are all of the poorly drained and very poorly drained soils and most of the somewhat poorly drained soil series. Hydric soils are further categorized into two major groups: mineral soils and organic soils. Histosols (organic soils) typically contain at least 46 cm of organic matter in the upper part of the soil profile. They are grouped by the degree to which plant material and fibers are decomposed. Most decayed are the saprists (muck), followed by hemists (mucky-peats and peaty mucks), and fibrists (peats), the least decomposed. (Folists, the fourth group of organic soils, are not regarded as hydric soils because the organic part is not inundation or saturation derived.) Mineral soils ordinarily have less organic matter in the upper part of the soil profile than histosols. To be considered hydric soil, a mineral soil must meet specific drainage and water table criteria that indicate at least 15 consecutive days of saturation or 7 days of inundation during the growing season. Hydric mineral soils include soils in the Aquic subgroups, Aquic suborders, Albolls suborder, Salorthids great groups and Pell great groups of vertisols (Kent, 1994). In the field, hydric soils are distinguished by indicators displayed within the root zone. These include histosols, histic epipedons, high organic matter content in the surface hori... ...aton, C. K. Smoley, 216 p. Kadlec, Robert H., and Robert L. Knight, 1996, Treatment Wetlands: Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers, 893 p. Kent, Donald M., editor, 1994, Applied Wetlands Science and Technology: Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers, 436 p. Landers, Judith C., and Barbara A. Knuth, 1991, Use of Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement under the USEPA Region V Clean Lakes Program: Environmental Management, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 151-162. Mitsch, William J., and Gosselink, James G., 1993, Wetlands, Second Edition: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 722 p. Simmons, Robert C., Arthur J. Gold, and Peter M. Groffman, 1992, Nitrate Dynamics in Riparian Forests: Groundwater Studies: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 21, pp. 659-665. Singer, Michael J., and Donald N. Munns, 1996, Soils: An Introduction, Third Edition: Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 480 p.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Sensitive Periods in Summary and Implication for Montessori Teachers

SENSITIVE PERIODS IN SUMMARY AND IMPLICATION FOR MONTESSORI TEACHERS SENSITIVE PERIOD FOR MOVEMENT †¢Movement is tied to intelligence KEYWORDSADDITIONAL IDEAS SENSITIVE TO WHATMovement/Activity (sitting, crawling, cruising etc) WHEN DOES IT APPEAR PEAK DISAPPEARS It appears at pre-birth (0 month) 1-2 years At death and cessation of movement (paralysis) DEVELOPMENTAL AIM- To enable the child to explore his own environment – To perfect himself and his personality through work with his hands INNER WORK TAKING PLACE1. The horme drives his need to develop coordinated movement 2.The child’s attention is focused on learning to move and balance, and then unite this function (i. e. the child moves to learn) 3. Physical and movement of the mind i. e. the mind controls the physical 4. For the child walking is like a second birth. The child is no longer helpless but active. SIGNS WE SEE1. We notice each milestone in the child’s development of motor skills. 2. The child has an overwhelming need to manipulate and handle objects. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS FULFILLED1. The child is joyful and content. 2. The child shows no tiredness from working. 3. The child is more satisfied in doing the work than the end result.BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS NOT FULFILLED1. The child will be unhappy, fretful, tearful and fearful because he would sometimes be ignored. 2. Death of the child’s spirit, if the child is constantly ignored. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS AT HOME1. The child has to be given opportunities and space to move around and explore his environment. 2. They have to understand the child’s desperate need to move, to handle and manipulate objects. 3. The child needs to see adults who model, precise, careful movement so that he can see how it is done. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS IN THE PRE-SCHOOL1.The child needs opportunities and encouragement to work with HIS hands by HIMSELF. 2. The child needs INTERESTING and PURPOSEFUL activities that will refine his movement. 3. The child needs time to work at his own PACE, to practice and repeat as long as he has to or wants to. 4. The child needs activities that would refine his gross & fine motor skills stimulation. 5. The child needs adults who model precise, careful and economical movement for the child to copy- so that the child does not dissipate energy WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER TRAINING1. Education for the young child must be founded on movement. . Trainee teacher must understand the child must move and explore to live. 3. The trainee teacher must prepare an adequate environment and activities to encourage fine &gross motor movement. 4. You must plan routines for children, to involve not only seating and listening but also doing (participate, be active in the exercise) SENSITIVE PERIOD FOR ORDER For the child, order is a necessity for him to develop. He therefore needs to orientate himself. KEYWORDSADDITIONAL IDEAS S ENSITIVE TO WHAT1. Physically- controls his movement (i. e. sitting, crawling etc, perfect the skills 2.Emotionally – the child can only build trust if there is consistency 3. Intellectually- intelligence and logical thinking is dependent on outer order, the physical order balance out his internal order which helps his intelligence. WHEN DOES IT APPEAR PEAK DISAPPEARS It appears from the first few months of life It peaks at 2years It begins to disappear at 4years DEVELOPMENTAL AIM- To develop the child’s ability to think clearly and logically; and also to help with the ability to make well thought decisions. – It helps the child to make sense of the world, by seeing and understanding how things relate to each other. It helps the child to understand where he/she fits into what he experiences. – For the child outer order is equal to inner order. INNER WORK TAKING PLACEOrder needs to be absorbed from the order at home, in the classroom and the people around the child (i. e. order is like a cycle) SIGNS WE SEE1. The child’s determination to order & coordinate his movement 2. The child is content in an environment that is ordered and with people who are trustworthy. 3. The child will set things in order within the environment; he places objects where they belong. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS FULFILLED1.There is joy and contentment in the child. 2. He shows joy in working. 3. The child works independently. 4. The child works in an orderly cycle of activities- he completes his work cycle all the time. 5. He begins to think logically and makes careful decisions. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS NOT FULFILLED1. The child works chaotically 2. He does not complete his work cycle 3. The child exhibits some form of disruption to others while working. 4. The child is generally unhappy and cries a lot 5. The child may show disharmony â€Å"naughty† or aggressive behavior WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS AT HOME3.The child needs a precise environment for every room the child uses 2. Parents can avoid tantrums if they are aware of this sensitivity and respond appropriately 3. The child needs trustworthy and consistent adults 4. The parents need to provide the child with limited resources to develop logical thinking, WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS IN THE PRE-SCHOOL1. Trustworthy and consistent adults. 2. The child needs a precise and prepared environment 3. The child needs adults who are knowledgeable and understanding (trained and spiritually prepared. . Provide the child with opportunities to make decision i. e. freedom of choice 5. Keep consistency in work and behavior WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER TRAINING1. Without the outer order provided for, the child will suffer by not developing an inner order and would therefore not develop an orderly way of thinking even as an adult. SENSITIVE PERIOD FOR INTEREST IN SMALL OBJECTS For the child it is as if a special time has been set aside for exploring and appreciating the mysteries of creation and nature which would be overlooked by the busy adult.The child needs the time and the means to explore his work. KEYWORDSADDITIONAL IDEAS SENSITIVE TO WHAT1. He focuses his attention on details in every aspect of his life – his body, surroundings, work, and people around him. 2. He notices and he is extraordinarily interested in very small objects and fine details in tiny objects, pictures, precise movements, gestures, sounds and languages. WHEN DOES IT APPEAR PEAK DISAPPEARSIt appears at about 1year Peaks about 11/2 years Disappears from 4years DEVELOPMENTAL AIM1. To develop the child’s faculty of attention and concentration. 2.By controlling attention, the child can concentrate on sounds, precise movements, subtle social gestures and detail in objects to help gain a clear impression of size, shape and colour. INNER WORK TAKING PLACE1. Through the absorbent mind and the force of this sensitive period the child unconsciously adapts to her culture & society and promotes her own development. 2. The child will see with â€Å"new eyes† and get clearer impressions to help to order his mind aright. SIGNS WE SEE1. The child is joyful when in contemplating small insects and tiny objects. 2. The child is very observant of fine details and would sometimes point it out. . The child notices a chip/defect in materials and in effect would not use it. 4. If the child puts on a clothing whose button is lost and it is replaced, if the button does not match the child will become distressed. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS FULFILLED1. The child would be joyful in contemplation – happily doing his work 2. The child is joyful and content. 3. The child develops concentration. 4. The child loves to explore indoor and outdoor world. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS NOT FULFILLED1. The child will show some signs of frustration if he is not allowed time to examine and if he is watched. . H e may throw tantrums, if he is taken away from his examination of something. 3. He loses interest in exploring and been observant. 4. The child stops concentrating and focusing his attention. 5. He jumps erratically from one activity to the next. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS AT HOME1. The adult must respect the child’s need to examine minutely. 2. The child needs to be given time to look and be attentive. 3. The child should be allowed time to stop and explore when working with an adult. 4. The child should be provided with objects and images with details. 5.The child should be protected from disturbance when he is concentrating. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS IN THE PRE-SCHOOL1. The very small child who has this sensitive period fulfilled will continue to be acutely absorbent of fine details and thereby focuses his attention easily. 2. Activities that will give the child opportunities in classroom & outdoor environment should encourage this â €“ THE CHILD WHO CANNOT CONCENTRATE CANNOT LEARN. TO-DO: 1. Set an example and be a good role model for the child especially in our attitude, life values, speech, cultural behavior and consideration for others. . Give d child a clear understanding of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviours (i. e. ground rules in class) 3. In the Montessori approach it is fundamental to aid the child’s development of concentration through purposeful and interesting work with an orderly sequence, protection from disturbances, time to explore, exposure to different sounds in words, materials to refine his senses, exposure to socially acceptable behaviours, we must respect the child’s need of sensitivity to fine details.WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER TRAINING1. Parents and teachers must respect the child’s need for time to explore and contemplate and encourage the child’s observant nature. 2. Provide an environment and opportunities that encourage observatio n and exploration for the child. 3. We must keep an orderly and precise environment so that the child can focus his attention 4. You must note that concentration is the key to learning; therefore a precise and orderly environment is a condition for concentration to develop.SENSITIVE PERIOD FOR SOCIAL ASPECT OF LIFE – GRACE& COURTESY The child attempts to learn the manners and culture of his/her environment and serve others as well as himself or herself. It is therefore good to involve the child in your daily life as much as possible. KEYWORDSADDITIONAL IDEAS SENSITIVE TO WHATThe child is intensely interested in the customs, habits and culture of his/her own community WHEN DOES IT APPEAR PEAK DISAPPEARSIt appears between ages 2yrs – 2 1/2 years (mothers always recognize the child’s need for wider social experiences). It is at this age the child usually starts or attends daycare center.It peaks at about 4years. It disappears at about 5 ? years DEVELOPMENTAL AIM1. To entirely adapt to his/her own culture and circumstances 2. To be integrated and identifiable in his/her own society INNER WORK TAKING PLACE1. All the work of the unconscious absorbent mind which takes in all impressions equally, know differentiation between positive or negative social values and customs to form the child’s personality and traits for life typical of his/her culture. 2. The child is acutely observant of his/her social group especially his/her family unit – he/she takes in their verbal & non- verbal behaviour and fixes them for life, good & bad. . Remember that the child is also sensitive to fine details at the same time, this sensitive period is like an extra spot light on the details of his/her family and social experiences SIGNS WE SEE1. The child stands and watches a lot – observes all aspects of social life such as greetings, courtesy, respect, how people treat one another, how they dress, eat etc. Their habits and beliefs, people’s way of talking and gesturing, people’s attitude and outlooks on life. 2. The child tries to imitate what he or she sees and hears. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS FULFILLED1.The child exudes confidence and positive self-esteem. 2. Begins to join in the community life of the pre-school- first watches, stands at the edge and later accepts invitation to join in. 3. The child is joyful and content. 4. Learning and working is easy. 5. The child is interested in and repeats activities of grace and courtesy. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS NOT FULFILLEDIf the child has had poor models of social attitudes, values and behaviours he/she would emulate them and they will become fixed for life as in; 1. Poor table manners. 2. The child exhibits discourteous behaviour (very rude and unruly). . The child id tolerant of some people’s behaviour and intolerant of others (mood swings). 4. The child is disrespectful of others space, possession and values. 5. The child exhibits aggressiv e and disturbing behaviour. 6. Because of his behaviour he is shunned by other children he is either distressed by the shunning or he is full of bravado (I don’t care attitude) 7. The child is not integrated and identifiable in his/her society. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS AT HOMEParents needs to; 1. Understand how the child’s mind works and absorbs everything. . Parents need to set an example and be good role model for the child especially in attitude, life values, speech, cultural behaviour and consideration for others. 3. Give the child a clear understanding of what is good and what is evil, what is acceptable and not acceptable behaviour to them. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS IN THE PRE-SCHOOL1. The Montessori Pre-school needs to create a sense of community within the pre-school. 2. We need to allow the time to observe before joining in and contributing to the pre-school community. 3.The development of community life in the Montesso ri pre-school involves each member taking responsibility for himself or herself and the environment. The child has to learn how to put away activities for the next person to be able to use it and clean up after he had made a mess. These are ground rules for acceptable behaviours and younger ones will follow suit. 4. The development of community life is dependent on mixed abilities and ages and the opportunity for the child to teach one another the lesson, he/she has learnt. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER TRAINING1.If the child is exposed to disrespectful attitudes towards himself/ herself and his/her needs, he/she will grow up to be a disrespectful member of the society. 2. Care givers have the responsibility of informing parents and their communities about the work of the child absorbent mind and the need for positive role models in the child’s life. SENSITIVE PERIOD FOR REFINEMENT OF SENSES KEYWORDSADDITIONAL IDEAS SENSITIVE TO WHAT1. The need to see, touch, taste, s mell, hear and manipulate everything around him. 2. The child is in active pursuit of sensorial stimuli, he is now trying to move, in order to learn.WHEN DOES IT APPEAR PEAK DISAPPEARSIt appears at pre-birth. The child touches, feels and hears while still in the womb. It peaks between 2years- 5 1/2 years DEVELOPMENTAL AIM1. He is learning – the only way a child learns is through his senses and personal experiences (hands on). 2. The child tries to gain information about his environment. 3. To order the impression gathered so far. 4. The child tries to pair and classify – this is the function of sensorial curriculum. 5. Helps the child to look for fine distinctions i. e. grading or categorizing 6. Consolidation of knowledge. Sensorial Curriculum is designed to help the child to sort out, clarify and classify all of the impression he gathers from his environment. INNER WORK TAKING PLACEAll the inner work is achieved by the absorbent mind and the child’s developmen t of coordinated movement so that he can work with his hands. SIGNS WE SEE1. The child is first to touch and manipulate everything in his reach. 2. The child has an overwhelming interest in colour, shapes, size and the feel of objects. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS FULFILLED1. Joyful learning. 2. The child works actively and explores through his senses. . The child does not get tired by work. 4. The child is eager for more experiences. 5. The child has an increased awareness of the outside world 6. The child has love and care for the world and people BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS NOT FULFILLED1. The child cannot develop because he does not have the full function of all of his senses. 2. The child will become apathetic (not happy, angry towards everyone) 3. The child shows certain behaviours such as been noisy, displaced/disturbed. 4. The child will not sit still to listen nor will he want to listen.WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS AT HOME1. The adult attitude shou ld change allow the child to touch, explore and experience as much as possible. 2. The adult should respect the child’s need to repeat activities. 3. The adult must understand that manipulation is vital to his development. 4. The household must be rearranged willingly to suit these needs. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS IN THE PRE-SCHOOL1. The adult must provide sensorial keys to each sense through the sensorial curriculum. 2. Isolation of stimulus (i. e. only one sense is attended to with an activity. . We work from concrete to abstract, because the child works with the real thing before he begins to abstract. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER TRAINING1. The refinement of sensorial impression lays a firm foundation for future learning, so the children should be provided with an adequate environment with sensorial activities and experiences. 2. The teacher should note that education in the school must be sensorial based if not the children cannot develop int elligence and would not love life and learning Note: Sensorial is the KEYS to the child’s universe.Chinese Proverb: I see I forget, I hear I remember, I do I understand. Whatever a child does becomes part of the child because the child has participated and his/her hands have touched the materials or activity. It therefore becomes a part of him/her. SENSITIVE PERIOD FOR LANGUAGE KEYWORDSADDITIONAL IDEAS SENSITIVE TO WHAT1. The human voice 2. The rhythm and flow of the sounds of words without necessarily understanding what they mean. WHEN DOES IT APPEAR PEAK DISAPPEARS It appears from birth It peaks at about 2years and explosion into speechIt disappears at about 5 years DEVELOPMENTAL AIM1. To adapt the child to his/her own culture and circumstances 2. To fulfill his/her tendencies and need to be socially integrated 3. To be able to express his/her own personality and spirit 4. To be able to think and develop his/her reasoning intelligence INNER WORK TAKING PLACEInner working pr ecedes every outer signs SIGNS WE SEE1. Each milestone in the child’s development of language such as babbling, cooing etc. 2. The child’s love for song, stories and poems. 3. Listen to sounds and tries to copy them. 4.Learn new words easily (Note: PLEASE USE CORRECT LANGUAGE WITH THE CHILDREN AND NOT BABY TALK) as it is an obsolete language. 5. The child practices â€Å"writing† long before he/she starts/has the skills to write. 6. Tries to â€Å"read† long before he/she knows the sounds and sand paper letter. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS FULFILLED1. The child expresses joy and contentment. 2. Love to talk and talks all time. 3. Contributes in group activities. BEHAVIOUR IF SENSITIVE PERIOD IS NOT FULFILLED1. The child is withdrawn and unhappy. 2. Does not join in activities. 3. Cannot settle to work and concentrate. . The child cries a lot and he is fretful because he cannot express his needs and he is often misunderstood. 5. The child can get very frustrated and may result to aggressive behaviour such as biting, kicking, crying etc. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS AT HOME1. A rich exposure to language, he needs to see adults enjoying talking, singing, writing & reading. 2. He needs to see exaggerated movement of the mouth so he can see how sounds are made. 3. The child needs to hear correct pronunciations; so that he hears the individual sounds of words he is trying to make. 4. The hild needs to hear variety of word from a broad vocabulary that is the only way he can increase his vocabulary. 5. The child needs to hear correct, precise language from whoever is speaks whatever language to the child. 6. The child needs to hear correct sentence construction. 7. The child needs to be listened to with full attention. WHAT HELP DOES THE CHILD NEED FROM THE ADULTS IN THE PRE-SCHOOL1. Provide an atmosphere and have the attitude that encourages the child to talk, be an amiable approachable teacher. 2. Find time to chat wi th individual children and show them that you care and you are interested in them. . Find time to listen to individual children. 4. Find time to listen patiently to the child whose language is slow. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER TRAININGAll the elements of language including grammar should be learnt while the child is in his/her sensitive period for language and as he/she learns it so effortlessly and easily; but if he/she learns it later then it would be hard and full of errors – he/she would have to be taught, it would develop spontaneously if not given the right opportunities and encouragement at the right time.To Do’s To be knowledgeable about the development of language and to know which; 1. To know which activities to prepare, to promote a firm foundation in spoken language. 2. Activities to prepare the child’s hand for writing (i. e. indirect preparation for writing). 3. Activities that would prepare the child to read (indirect preparation for rea ding). Note: if the teacher does not do these, the child’s learning will be hard, schooling a negative experience.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Marketing Financial Report on Habibi Transportation - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1824 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Habibi transportation is a company that will be based in Al Ain. Habibi will provide transportation and logistics services to the business customers in Al Ain, Abu Dhabi and all other cities of UAE. The company will take materials and goods from supplier and deliver it to manufactures and then take products from manufacturers and deliver it to the wholesalers or retailers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Marketing Financial Report on Habibi Transportation" essay for you Create order It will be partnership business. Habibi transportation empowers somebody to rent a truck, of any size, for any extend that needs pulling. The logistics and transportation industry is making fast strides in the UAE, and specifically in Dubai. With framework and realty improvement tasks blasting and new real ventures being reported day by day over the UAE, it is clear that the industry will keep on growing in the close medium term. In the first year the business will get a loss of 87605 AED. The startup requirements of the business are AED 2530500. INTRODUCTION: Transportation industry in UAE is a flourishing industry. As the demand for tourism is increase the air and land transportation is also increase. The land transportation is also used for many manufacturing business to deliver raw materials and heavy materials from one place to another. The business that we are going to launch is transportation business through trucking. Trucking is a terrifying industry to be in at this time. Yet top trucking executives say the economic downturn is no time to take a route that is excessively expedient on service as they adapt to industry overcapacity and shippers wanting rock bottom rates. The name of our trucking transportation business is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“HABIBI TRANSPORTATIONà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The business will be based in al ain UAE. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of habibi transportation for the next three years include: Getting highest annual revenue every year Hire more truck driver Expand the business by expanding market Targeting the other cities of UAE as well Purchasing more advanced vehicle for transportation SALES OBJECTIVES: Sales Forecast JAN FEB MAR APRIL JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Unit Sales Miles of Shipping 12,000 18,000 27,000 37,800 52,920 55,566 58,344 61,262 64,325 67,541 70,918 Customer accounts 0 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 Total Unit Sales 12,000 18,001 27,002 37,804 52,927 55,574 58,353 61,272 64,335 67,552 70,930 Unit Prices Miles of Shipping 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Customer accounts 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 Sales Miles of Shipping 54600 81900 122850 171990 240786 252826 265468 278740 292677 307311 322676 Customer accounts 0 3500 7000 14000 24500 28000 31500 35000 35000 38500 42000 Total Sales 54600 85400 129850 185990 265286 280826 296968 313740 327677 345811 364676 Direct Unit Costs Miles of Shipping 50.00% 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Customer accounts 10.00% 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Direct Cost of Sales Miles of Shipping 27300 40950 61425 85995 120393 126413 132734 139370 146339 153657 161340 Customer accounts 0 350 700 1400 2450 2800 3150 3500 3500 3850 4200 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales 27300 41300 62125 87395 122843 129213 135884 142870 149839 157507 165540 MISSION: The mission of habibi transportation is to become the partner of business and help them in operating efficiently through effective distribution services. For this purpose the company will use best management to give accurate and timely deliveries to the customers. KEY TO SUCCESS: The key success factor for habibi transportation includes: Proper deliver schedules will be made to give timely delivery Recruiting reliable drivers who can drive safely Forming an accurate communication channel between drivers, company and customers. COMPANY SUMMARY: Habibi transportation is a company that will be based in al ain. Habibi will provide transportation and logistics services to the business customers in al ain , abu dhabi and all other cities of UAE. The company will take materials and goods from supplier and deliver it to manufactures and then take products from manufacturers and deliver it to the wholesalers or retailers. COMPANY OWNERSHIP: The habibi transportation will be a partnership business between two friends. The company will be owned by me and my friend. After the years the business will changes its type of ownership to Limited Liability Company because the company will expand and we will share the ownership of the company with the investors and we will give them approximately 20% share. STARTUP SUMMARY: Start-up Requirements AED Start-up Expenses Stationery 10500 Legal 17500 Brochures 17500 Insurance 35000 Rent 42000 Licenses and Permits 17500 Computer 10500 Website Development 70000 Total Start-up Expenses 220500 Start-up Assets Cash 315000 Long-term Assets 1925000 Other Current Assets 70000 Total Assets 2310000 Total Requirements 2530500 COMPANY LOCATION AND FACILITIES: The location of habibi transportation is in al Ain , united Arab emirates. The company is located near the factories areas. The services that company will provide to its customers will be available 24 hours. The facility of the company will be located near its target market. SERVICES: The trucking industry gives transportation services to persons or organizations looking to pull overwhelming things. Habibi transportation empowers somebody to rent a truck, of any size, for any extend that needs pulling. We will give this service to the entire of the al ain range, and want to stretch from this base zone inside the initial five years of operation. This service is given on two bases: for-contract and private bearers. Of these two fragments, Habibi Transportation will focus on the for-contract bearers, and, all the more particularly, the truckload (TL) and short of what truckload (LTL) portions. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: The competitive ad vantage of habibi transportation is the inconceivable industry experience and robust notoriety of its manager. His organization is likewise well known around its customers for going that additional mile in the client service division. COMPETITIVE COMPARISON: The competitors of habibi transportation includesal sahra heavy equipments , al walid equipment rental, bronze beach general contracting , Bkler dubai etc. all these transportation companies are performing good in the industry and the entrance of habibi transportation in industry may force them to take an aggressive action. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: The logistics and transportation industry is making fast strides in the UAE, and specifically in Dubai. With framework and realty improvement tasks blasting and new real ventures being reported day by day over the UAE, it is clear that the industry will keep on growwing in the close medium term. Such development of construction in the UAE, anticipated for at least 10 years, wil l generate a steady appeal for totals and sand; this, thus, produces a consistent and climbing interest for tipper haulage services in an officially extended supply commercial center. One of the greatest giver to UAE economy is the shipping and logistics industry which takes a obligation in transporting of items, for example, petroleum mining, hardware, sustenance stuff and other significant products either transported in or locally made crosswise over industrial facilities in UAE. The transport of these to the following end, which could be local or to ends of the line crosswise over other world markets. The local and global shipping and Logistics suppliers in UAE offer different sorts of trucking to convey cargo by way. They convey everything from letters to houses to cargo compartments, substantial hardware, refrigerated , haz to live creatures crosswise over outskirts Emirates or GCC The transport suppliers in UAE, support an exclusive requirement of service, generally extr emely dependable and resolved to convey products securely to the end client. With flourishing general store business crosswise over UAE. The great illustration of street cargo is nourishment stuff conveyance. MARKET ANALYSIS: The economy in the UAE is ended up more assorted and shows confirmation of power to withstand outer stun. Solid financing in transport base and the worldwide desire of organizations like Emirates Airlines and DP World will additionally be solid positive components. In spite of the fact that the current oil price blast is maneuvering, the organization anticipates that the UAE economy will develop by 4.1% for every annum throughout the following five years, which will help the logistics industry. Manufacturers frequently outsource the circulation of their products to organizations that work in serving one the kind of retailer or business. Their bundled products are regularly delivered to stand out wholesaler/merchant, making a consistent business in ship ping between the two areas. Raw Material Suppliers dispatch extensive amounts of materials to huge manufacturers in the northwestern states. These materials by and large dont oblige refrigeration or temperature control. Manufacturers support some on location stockpiling for these supplies and by and large have some breathing space in the matter of when conveyances could be accepted, with the exception of when projections are mixed up and supplies drop low. Bundling supplies likewise must be transported to manufacturers and are incorporated in this aggregation. Wholesalers/Distributors that serve extensive retailers amass truckloads of products from the numerous manufacturers they serve. While they regularly have their trucks or dispersion implies, some of these organizations dont either in light of the fact that they are more modest or in light of the fact that they endeavor to utmost their speculation in holdings. Others may oblige extra trucking backing when they are working at limit however not ready to extend their shipping limit. Market Analysis Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Potential Customers Growth Manufacturers 2% 5,000 5,100 5,202 raw material suppleir 1% 6,000 6,060 6,121 Wholesalers/Distributors 3% 5,500 5,665 5,835 Total 1.00% 16,500 16,825 17,158 MARKETING MIX: Price: The pricing of habibi transportation is dependent upon miles for every many dirham of cargo transported. We will be capable charge aggressive rates, as we have negligible overhead contrasted with our rival. Promotion: Notwithstanding standard commercial practices, Habibi Transportation will pick up significant distinguishment through these extra promotional mediums: Press news sent to radio stations, daily papers, and magazines. we plan to promote broadly, in magazines and daily papers, on TV and radio, and on announcements. Radio advertising on auxiliary stations As an additional motivation for clients and potential clients to recall the name, Habibi Transportation arrangements to circulate espresso mugs, T-shirts, pens, and other advertising claims to fame with the organization logo. The destination of a leaflet is to depict the organizations objectives and items as an alluring usefulness. Habibi Transportation will create three handouts: one to be utilized to push sales, one to report the item in another market, and the third to enroll sales copar Place: The place of habibi transportation is in alain in UAE, Product/ service: Habibi transportation is providing trucking and logistics services to the business customers. FINANCIAL PLAN: Pro Forma Profit and Loss 2015 2016 2017 Sales 3038630 5087992 8242430 Direct Cost of Sales 1396115 2155916 3308095 Total Cost of Sales 1396115 2155916 3308095 Gross Margin 1642515 2932076 4934335 Expenses Marketing/Promotion 357000 280000 350000 Payroll 692864 910000 1015000 Truck Maintenance/Repair 27300 42000 66150 Depreciation 207669 314832 437304 Rent 126000 132300 138915 Utilities 12600 13230 13892 Payroll Taxes 208639 298193 400358 Insurance 42000 63000 87500 Licenses and Permitting 28000 35000 35000 Web Hosting and Development 14438 25200 26460 Total Operating Expenses 1716509 2113755 2570579 Profit Before Interest and Taxes -73994 818321 2363757 EBITDA 133676 1133153 2801061 Interest Expense 13612 76913 123375 Net Profit -87605 518987 1568270 Pro Forma Balance Sheet 2015 2016 2017 Assets Current Assets Cash 80350 64253 879711 Accounts Receivable 418495 700742 1135187 Other Current Assets 70000 70000 70000 Total Current Assets 568845 834995 2084898 Long-term Assets Long-term Assets 2537500 3762500 4987500 Accumulated Depreciation 207669 522501 959805 Total Long-term Assets 2329831 3239999 4027695 Total Assets 2898676 4074994 6112593 Liabilities and Capital 2015 2016 2017 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 237031 274862 429195 Current Borrowing 10500 0 0 Subtotal Current Liabilities 247531 274862 429195 Long-term Liabilities 446250 1076250 1391250 Total Liabilities 693781 1351112 1820445 Paid-in Capital 2513000 2513000 2513000 Retained Earnings -220500 -308105 210882 Earnings -87605 518987 1568270 Total Capital 2204895 2723882 4292148 Total Liabilities and Capital 2898676 4074994 6112593 CONCLUSION: From the above financial analysis and market analysis, it has been concluded that opening a transportation business in UAE is a good decision. The demand for logistics and transportation services is increasing in UAE. The number of construction projects increase so the demand of the delivering raw material and heavy equipment from one place to another is also increasing. RECOMMENDATION From the above plan and research, it is recommended that company should expand its business to other cities of UAE also as the demand is increasing and ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a good opportunity for business. Before starting this business, it is recommended that company should set attractive prices to gain customers as there are many competitors in the market so with high price, habibi transports cannot make a position in UAE transportation industry. REFERENCES: